Things I will never do in my life
Normally, people ask you about the things you want to do in your life. We are used to questions like: "hey, what do you want to be doing in 20 years?" or "what are your life expectations?". However, I find thinking about the things that I will never do in my life to be no easy task. You see, even if I'm young, I have realised there is no way of actually controlling what goes on in your life. Sure, we can set intentions and goals and carry them out, but there's always going to be a chance that you don't get to do things as you planned. Life is unexpected. It has turns and surprises that escape from our control. Maybe you say you are going to be living in Italy in five years and when the time comes, you find yourself traveling around the world in a private jet (I must say I wouldn't mind if that were the case). The thing is, even as I am going to list some things that I would never do, I am only 16, and my perspective could change over the years. However, I'm going to try to be as general as possible. I will never...
1. Kill someone. I think this one is quite obvious, and should be in everyone's list (unless you want to be a soldier... that would complicate things a little).
2. Steal something. Except for the little bars of soap that you get at hotels, but those don't count.
3. Smoke. It's just disgusting. How can anyone like it?
4. Try drugs. Firstly, it is illegal. Secondly, it hurts your body. Thirdly, they are not the answer to any problem. They ARE the problem.
5. Deal drugs or any illegal product, for that matter.
6. Try gambling. I don't find it fun or entertaining. Besides, it turns into addiction very quickly.
7. Falsify official documents. I could possibly get into a big problem with that.
8. Drink to look cool in front of other people.
9. Bully someone. Like smoking, it's simply disgusting.
10. Drive while being drunk. Or get in a car with the driver in this state.
11. Go to space. I like my planet, thank you very much.
12. Let someone manipulate me.
13. Give up on life. Stop setting goals and stop trying to be happy. Even as things get hard, which they will, I can never allow myself to lose hope completely.
I think that is pretty much everything. As I said, they are quite general things, but they actually had me thinking. It was definitely an interesting question.
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