



Something that you accept as true without question or proof.

Today, I will be talking about assumptions. 

In today's society, we tend to judge people by the way they look rather than by the way they are. More and more, normal people have to deal with stupid stereotypes that we have set on them over the years. On this post, I will be answering to some of the most (completely random) ridiculous assumptions I have heard:

- Not because I am a girl it means that I am weak. It's true that I've hardly heard this sentence over the past few years, but I do remember when I was younger and the boys wouldn't let us play football because we were girls, and they would lose if we joined their team. As we got older (and they got a little bit more mature), these problems mostly disappeared, although there will always be "jokes" with these sort of things.

- The fact that I am a boy doesn't mean I have to act tough. Let's forget the "boys don't cry" non-sense, please.

- Being young doesn't make me naive. I cannot even begin to describe how angry this statement makes me. Whenever you're in the middle of an argument, or a conversation with an adult, and they want to switch it off, this is the easiest way out. A simple "forget it, you are too young to understand it", and the conversation is dismissed. Well, maybe I am, but in that case, why don't you just explain it to me?

- The fact that I am gay doesn't make me less of a man. I'm tired of people laughing at homosexual boys just because they look... girly?

- Wearing a skirt doesn't take my masculinity away. Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words:

- Not because I have tattoos it means that I am dangerous. The previous picture can confirm it.

- The fact that you don't like my body doesn't mean you have permission to comment on it. Three words. STOP BODY SHAMING.

- Gaining weight doesn't mean being unhealthy. Again, please stop commenting on people's weight. You never know what a person can be going through and by giving your unwanted opinion on the way they look, you can be triggering these people. 

- Not all men are the same, as not all women are the same. Let's not generalize.

- The fact that I haven't given up my dreams doesn't mean I am unrealistic. Live and let live.

- Your grades don't define you. 

- Not because something's popular it means that it's cool. And remember, fashion changes.

- The fact that everyone does something doesn't make it right. If you ever feel like you should do something that you don't want to do just to be accepted, you're not in the right place.

- Caring about someone doesn't mean it's wrong to choose to let them go. In life, you come first. Even if you love someone, sometimes they are not right for you, and the best decision is to let them go.


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